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Management Team

Company Name: Incorporated nonprofit organization
Yuki Kanko Chiikizukuri Kosha
(Yuki Tourism & Area Revitalization state-run public corporation)
Representative: Ryota Sato
Address: 2545 Tada, Yuki-cho, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima City
Mission Statement on the Articles of incorporation We are here to carry out projects to promote tourism and revitalize the old Yuki Town and the surrounding area by taking advantage of the local resources. Also we strive to stimulate the local economy, preserve the local history and culture and the natural environment. Lastly, all our activities should contribute to improve the health and welfare of everyone who belongs to the community.
Established on July 7, 2008
Authorized on June 23, 2008
Board Members: Ryota Sato, Tsuyoshi Ito, Kiyoko Kunizawa, Akira Sasaki, Toru Kajihara, Yasunori Yamaguchi